City Street Painting
The painting measures 24” x 30”. It’s wrapped with a double frame. The painting sits proud of the inner frame, which is painted black for contrast, creating an embossed appearance. The outer frame is maple stained a rich brown color and extends out past the painting. It looks great hung in its new home.
A Family (and Tractor) Memory
A special photograph preserved in a special frame. A matting border was cut and placed around the 8x10 photograph. The frame made from red oak and is trimmed with walnut. Final dimensions are 12" x 16".
Hereford Cow and Calf Painting
The painting measures 15” x 30”. The frame is made with salvaged hemlock barn boards, that have a nice natural aged patina and color Seems fitting given the subjects of the picture. Of course they’d probably prefer you didn’t tear the boards off their barn to make a frame for their picture.
Scottish Proverb Ceramic Tiles These tiles are a family heirloom for the individual who owns them. Together they read “East or West Hame’s Best” (Hame being the Scottish pronunciation of home). The frame is hemlock that was worked to raise the grain giving it a textured weathered look and feel; this technique adds a lot of character to the wood. The stain is the perfect tone to compliment the greens in the tiles. It is finished with a durable weatherproof clear coat for outdoor or indoor display. Each tile measure 8" x 8" and are over 1/2" thick; they are quite heavy all together and the frame needed to be beefy to handle the weight. Half lap joints were used at the corners that are glued and fortified from the backside with lag screws. There was not enough exposed edge on the tiles to secure them behind a lip on the frame (like you would noramlly do with any framed picture); so instead they are adhered to a backer board with silicone which will hold them in place well (but allow them to be removed if necessary), but for some extra insurance I fabricated low profile galvanized metal Z clips that are secured behind the frame as added security to hold each tile in place. It’ll take two men and a boy to hang this up though.
1st Dollar Ever want to memorialize the first dollar you made in the business side of your life, or do that for someone as a gift. This frame was made for just that purpose. It is made of black cherry and wrapped with tiger maple. The base is made of black walnut and affixed for desk top display, but can be easily removed for hanging on the wall. Hopefully more dollars will follow this one, or it will just become a bad memory, in which case you should at least replace the dollar with a picture of your great aunt Edna, despite the memories of all that cheek pinching.
Military Medals Shadowbox
This oak shadow box was made to display medals and pictures belonging to a Korean War Veteran. (Forgive the disheveled layout of the medals; they were loosely staged temporarily for a progress picture and unfortunately, I failed to take a picture of the finished product before delivery.)